Friday, November 27, 2009

Where has Trinity been?

Hopefully I didn't scare all of my faithful readers, for being away so long. For that, I am truly sorry, so without further due, here is an update.

Work is going really well. I feel so blessed to first off have my job, but thankful to work for a company that trusts in the Lord and makes Christ the center of the business. Right now is our slow season, which I am thankful for because I can get caught up on some projects that needed to be caught up on. Overall, I love my job and can't believe that it has been just over a year since I first started. Wow, the time sure have flown by. I am looking forward to next year and how we can serve God even more through the company.

This fall the bible studies have started up, so I took on the third installment of Genesis, Titus and more learning in Youth Group. All the studies have been going so well and I just love how my relationship with the Lord has grown so much. I can't wait for what the Lord has in store and also for his presence and new revelations that he wants to reveal to me. It is going to be totally awesome and I am so excited.

The next update will be on my car accident that happened at the end of July. I am still not 100% to when I was before the accident. I am still in Physical Therapy twice a week to help loosen up my muscles. Also I am going to a Chiropractor to help move apart some of my vertebrae in my neck. Both have help me tremendously throughout the last two weeks. I am now showing signs of improvement so thank you Jesus for that.

The last thing that I will update on with this post is that college basketball is here and now. Yeah!!!!!! I am so excited. I will keep you post on how both the Gonzaga Men and Women's basketball teams are doing this year. First off I will start with the men's team. There are a lot of new faces which makes for an inexperience team that is playing really well. They gave Michigan State the #2 team in the nation a run for there money, didn't win, but played great basketball. They did just win the Maui Invitational over Thanksgiving. This season for them is going to be amazing and I am so grateful to be apart of it. The women's team is going to have an excited year to. They return almost every player. There season opener will go down in history as one of the best openers ever. It was like an NCAA Tourament game. Overall both teams should do great things this season and I look forward to being apart of all the drama and action.

There you have it. A lot of things have been going on and now that the holidays are upon us, things will only get busier. Well I pray the Lord's blessings on you all as you grow closer to him each and every day. I promise it will not be so long between posts. So until next time, enjoy this holiday season.


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