Friday, January 22, 2016


Weekends are extremely important to me.  Lots of things happen to me on weekends.  I usually use these times of the week to play catch up from everything that has happened throughout the week.  I run errands, clean my room, do laundry, go to church, read, workout and so many other things.  I sad thing is that when I feel like the weekend has just begun, then it is ending and a new week is upon us.  I do find some times to just rest and have "me time".  Other things I do are hang out with my friends.  Weekends are so much fun.

I am thankful that God made weekends when He was creating the world and the days, weeks and years.  If it wasn't for weekends I wouldn't know how to rejuvenate my life from the busyness I have throughout the week if God hadn't created weekends. 

Hopefully you are able to do fun things on your weekends and get rejuvenated for your week and weeks ahead.  Weekends are a good thing.


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