Monday, February 1, 2016

Review of Goals

It is a good idea to review your goals every so often.  My goal is to do it once a month and so I thought now was a good time. 

Goals I am doing well on:
-Book Reading: I have read 2 books this month so far.
-Exercising: I hurt my back earlier in the month so I am getting back into the swing of things and have gone a couple times a week the last two weeks.  Looking forward to increasing it this month.
-Blogging, Facebooking and Tweeting each day: I have been able to do this almost every day and when I don't, I do take the time to catch up.

Goals I am still struggling with:
-I made it 13 or the 20 work days of only eating food I take to work.  This is a huge struggle for me, but I am not giving up.  I am going to try again this month.

So there you have it.  Things are going good and bad, but the thing is I am not giving up.  I am going to keep on going.  If you are struggling with your goals, don't give up.  If you have been knocked down, get right back up.  You can do it.  We all can.


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