Sunday, October 29, 2023

The Seat

Why do you think a seat, one specific seat would have such a significance on my life?  Let me tell you why God has used this seat to impact my life.  

First off, this is no ordinary seat.  This seat has access to love, joy, thrill, excitement, nervousness, acceptance, belonging, home and family.  This seat has been the thing that I has been missing in my life besides Jesus.  This seat allows me to be me, but hold me accountable whenever I need my attitude checked.  This seat has helped me establish the Christlike character qualities that I want to display in my life on a daily basis especially while I am teaching my students.  

Now that you know the reasons why I love this amazing seat so much, do you want to know where it is located?  Well let me tell you.  This seat is located in the McCarthy Athletic Center on the Gonzaga University campus.  It is in Section 108 Row 1 Seat 1.  I believe this seat was hand chosen for me by God all those years ago when my dad and I got to chose our season ticket seats.  This seat met all of the criteria that my dad and I had when we chose the seats.  When you are in the arena, you will find this seat directly across from the Gonzaga Women's Basketball bench, on the floor, and right next to the tunnel that the players come out of every game.  I have been sitting in this seat for the last 15 years and counting cheering and supporting the Gonzaga Women's Basketball Team.  I have seen amazing basketball played, awesome wins and tough losses.  

This seat has introduced me to some of the greatest people in my life.  The people who are their each game either other fans, players or coaches I know consider family.  I have stayed in contact with some former players who are now some of the best friends I could ever ask for and it is all because of this seat.  I have full team autography basketballs as the players are required to come out and interact with their fans after every game no matter if they have won or lost.  The players know my story and choose to accept me regardless.  Also, I know they believe I am the best referee in the building as I call all the fouls that the referees miss on the floor that should have gone in their favor.

Now you have seen the importance that this seat has in my life.  If you ever make it out to a Gonzaga Women's Basketball game, look for me.  I guarantee that I will be in this seat.  Come say hi, plus bring something to autograph as I will get the team to sign it.

Until Next Time,


Friday, November 13, 2020

My students

 As I sit in my classroom preparing for the weeks to come, I lean back in my desk chair with a heart full of gratitude and thanksgiving because of how good and faithful God is.  I look around my classroom and can picture all of my students and a smile comes across my face.  I have the greatest students in the world.  This kids are so amazing and fantastic.  They make me laugh, are full of life and joy and awesome.  I am extremely lucky and blessed to be their teacher. 

I have the upmost privilege of teaching secondary math at Valley Christian School in Spokane, WA.  It is a blessing to be apart of a staff that wants to reach these kids for Jesus.  It is also a blessing to see how much these kids love Jesus.  What an honor to be able to speak into these kids lives each and every day.

As people often say when so happy, “I’m livin the dream!”  That’s how I feel.  I am truly living the dream.  I enjoy getting up early in the morning, even though I am not a morning person, because I get to see my students.  Seeing there faces is my favorite part of the day.  Talking with them and getting to know them is so much fun.  There is nothing like it.  

I leave my door open in the mornings just so I can hear the students coming into the building.  My heart jumps when I sense they have entered the building.  Because I love seeing them so much, it is hard for me when students miss and can’t be in class.  

So here it is, the weekend and I am sitting in an empty classroom looking forward to Monday so that I can see my students.  

Lord Jesus, thank you for my students.  Thank you that you have chosen me to be there teacher and inspire them to do great things for your kingdom.  Protect them in this crazy world.  I love you so much.  In Jesus Name, Amen!!


Sunday, December 22, 2019

Why I Became A Teacher

So I haven’t never really written about why I wanted to become a teacher.  Here is a list of reasons why I chose to become a teacher:

1.  To be an influence to the generation behind me.
2.  Help students gain a passion for the things that they love.
3.  Encourage students to do their best in everything that they do.
4.  Interact with kids.
5.  Teach Mathematics.
6.  Being a cheerleader for the students.
7.  Holiday vacations.
8.  Getting artwork from students.
9.  Playing games.
10.  Most importantly, being in a place where I can have fun.

Every day I get to go work in a school, I enjoy the day no matter how crazy things can get.  All of the students make my heart smile.  I am so grateful that this is one of the many callings that God has placed on my life.

May you all find out what your passions are and walk in the calling that God has for you.


Friday, December 6, 2019

Six Degrees of Friendship and Family

In my previous posts from probably a few years back, I wrote about how family to me is more than just the one you are born into, but about how the people around you can be family.  You can hear me call other people sister or gramma or niece who aren’t biologically apart of my family, but they are family because they love, care, encourage and support who I am.

With that, I want to introduce you to some people who are apart of my family.  I met this family because of the game of basketball.  They have embraced me as one of their own.  It all started when I was in college and one of my professors had us do an assignment where we had to go interview a person who did a career that we wanted to do in the future.  I chose to go interview the Head Women’s Basketball coach at Gonzaga University at the time Coach Kelly Graves.  Because of that interview and being season ticket holders, I became good friends with Kelly Graves.  He now coaches at the University of Oregon.  Coach Graves picks up a transfer from Kansas State University named Taelor Karr.  I got to know Taelor as the lady Zags always came out after each game to sign autographs.  After meeting Taelor, I got to get to know her gramma Jacque Karr via Facebook.  At Senior Day for Taelor, Gramma Jacque came and I got to meet her for the very first time in person.  I felt like I had known her for years.  Ever since that day, Gramma Jacque became my gramma and has given me unconditional love like I am her own.

The cool thing is that this past summer I was able to go visit Gramma Jacque at her house in Paola, KS.  It was so much fun to go stay on the family farm for a few days.  I got to learn all about the town and their history.  The great thing was having dinner at a Mexican restaurant with Gramma Jacque, Grandpa Glenn, Taelor’s parents, one of her brothers and her sister.  It was a marvelous time.  They embraced me with open arms.  The sad thing is Taelor wasn’t there.

Below are some pictures of the family.

Gramma Jacque, Taelor and I on Senior Day for Taelor

Family Dinner in Paola, KS

I am very grateful for this connection that came out from the game of basketball, Gonzaga University, and an interview assignment from a college professor.  Most importantly this was a connection came from a divine moment created by God in His perfect timing.  

May the Lord bless you all and your family!!!


Saturday, November 2, 2019

I’m Back!!!!!!

It has been over 3 years since I have written a blog post.  I hadn’t realized it had been that long.  A lot of things have happened in that stretch of time.

First lets talk about the fact that I decided to move to a different city.  I have grown up in Spokane, WA my entire life.  In 2017 I felt the call the move to a smaller city in the middle of Washington called Moses Lake so I found a job and moved.  I have been there just over 2 1/2 years and enjoy it so much.  I attend an amazing church, have great friends, and a great job.  Moses Lake is about 100 miles from Spokane so I still go back and visit anytime I want to.

After working two jobs, I decided to take a leap of faith and become a substitute teacher for the school district.  I am having the time of my life.  I get to interact with the most amazing kids ever.  In 2018 I then decided to go back to school to achieve my teaching certificate which I earned this past summer.  Unfortunately I didn’t get a contracted teaching job so I went back to subbing again, and am thankful that because the need is so high that I work every day.  Throughout this school year as I sub I will be taking some tests that will give me some specific subject endorsements.  Lots are happening for me and God continues to be faithful in providing for all of my needs.

I continue to still enjoy all different sports and volunteer with my church youth group.  I have been blessed to have taken many different trips as well.

Well I hope to continue with this blog and write about some things God has placed on my heart and fun experience that I continue to have throughout my life.  Until next time, may the Lord bless you as we enter into this holiday season.


Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Legendary Coach Pat Summitt

Today, the basketball world lost a legend when it comes to coaching.  That legend, Coach Pat Summitt.  She was the head women's basketball coach for the University of Tennessee for 38 years from 1974-2012.  While at the University of Tennessee she won over 8 national championships, holds the current record for most career wins at 1,098 and had a 100% graduation rate of all players that went for 4 years.

Coach Summitt was famous for having an ice cold stare.  All her players knew that is they did something wrong then they would get the stare.  The media cameras would focus in on her eyes during televised games.  It was part of the talk about her career.

I admired how Coach Summitt coached college basketball and have used lots of her coaching style and leadership techniques to craft out how I coach.  She inspired me to be a better person.  I had the privilege of having my picture taken with her when the University of Tennessee came and played a game against Gonzaga University.  It was a great memory for me.

So to the greatest coach in women's basketball of all time, thank you for all that you have done to inspire and change the world when it comes to women's sports.  May the Lord bless your family as they comfort in Jesus since you have gone to be with Him in Heaven.  You will truly be missed.


Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Resurrection Sunday

A lot of people would say Happy Easter today, but for some reason I don't want to say that today, but I want to tell everybody Happy Resurrection Day.  Today is that day that Christ after dying on a cross, rose from the grave.  It is an amazing event in history that is truly important.  This event is part of the reason, why I believe in what God has done.  Today is one of my favorite holidays that I try to celebrate every day of the year.  Today is a reminder that Christ loves us and took on sin, our sin so that we may have eternal life.

If you don't know Jesus as your personal Savior, I would highly recommend doing it.  It will be the best decision you have ever made.  May the bless you and keep you and may his face shine upon you.

Happy Resurrection Day!
