Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Fuller House

Back in the 90's, I was and am still a huge fan of the TV Show Full House.  We enjoyed watching it as a family.  Even today I will still find reruns on cable that I will watch.  The TV Show was just so family friendly that we could watch it, and the show agreed with our family values.  I can still hear Uncle Jesse saying "Have Mercy" or Michelle Tanner saying "You Got It Dude" or Stephanie Tanner yelling, "How Rude" or Joey trying to be funny by saying "Cut It Out."  So many memories I have from watching this show. 

It was to my excitement when Netflix decided to have a spin-off show called Fuller House.  I literally jumped through the roof.  The show premieres on Feb. 26th, 2016 and it is centered around DJ Tanner being a widowed mother or 3 boys and her sister Stephanie and best friend Kimmie move in to help her out.  I am so looking forward to this show.

If you need a TV Show to watch with the whole family with great values, then this is it.  Set your DVR's because you will not want to miss it.


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