Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Going Back to School

I love to learn and a joke that I love to say is, "if being a full time student was a full time job then sign me up."  So whenever I have the opportunity to learn something, I usually take it.  This type of opportunity was given to me recently.  My church is offering some bible credited course from a bible college in Minnesota at a low cost.  We are calling it the Covenant School of Theology, and I am extremely excited to see how God uses these classes to change my life and draw me closer to Him.  The first class is all about being God Centered.  Last night was our first classes.  It is a small group and I know that we will all be challenged and changed. 

One cool thing about this is that I get to take the class with my dad.  I pray that this class would be used to strengthen our father/daughter relationship.  Well I will let you know how it goes as the weeks go on.  The course is 12 weeks long.  I better get on my homework :)  Blessings to you all.


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