Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Social Media

I am a fan of social media, especially Facebook, Twitter and Instragram.  Any other sites, I know nothing about.  I have been on Facebook the longest and that is over 10 years now.  Lots of good things have happened to me on social media.  With Facebook, I get wished happy birthday on my birthday from my friends, I have reconnected with old friends whom I haven't seen in a while and I get to express my opinion and just be me.  With Twitter, I post sayings and scripture verses because that is all a person can do on Twitter.  With Instragram, it is all about pictures.  With Instragram I feel like I am actually there with the person whenever they post a photo.

I would say this, I sensor who I chose to view my social media pages and so forth and I would encourage you all to do the same.  It is important to be safe and now who is watching you on social media. 

To sum it all up, I think everyone should have a social media page if they want to, just be careful.


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